This is the feedback given to us from our class mates and by our media teacher.
- Good Shot angles
- We need to make the shots darker
- POV shot of Heidi running was good but to long
- Tracking shot of Heidi needs to be more fluid
- Jump cut between two feet was good
- Speed up hand held cam of Heidi running
- Speed up when Heidi waits and views the field
- Villain in black was good
- Clear difference between protagonist and antagonist
- Shot in the bush was good
What we thought of the feedback given to us
- We agree that Heidi's head cam is to long and we can either speed it up or cut some of it out
- When Heidi stops at the entrance of the field we are going to speed it up to make it look like it was a quick decision to go into the field
- When Heidi runs and we are tracking her we need to make it flow nicely with a transition to the head cam shot.