A) Psychological thriller - Drama / Mystery, Danger is on a mental level rather than a physical level initially, One solitary character is in a mental conflict.
2) Suggested locations and reasons why?
A) Long road and a field near by.
3) Description of narrative
A) A girl and her friend were walking up Long road with bags full of shopping. The girls friend then leaves down to the road to her house. when the girls approaches her corner she encounters the stalker. You can not see the stalkers face because of his hood blocking her view. Heidi is then approached by two passers by who wolf whistle. she turns round and gives a cheeky wink. The two passers by then get approached by the stalker who looks at them straight in the eye, but you do not see his emotion because he is wearing glasses. Heidi then susses out the stalker is still folliwing her and starts to run. She drops her bag leaving her bracelet hanging out. She runs into a field and hides then the stalkers hand comes round the side of her face and grabs her.
4) Actors and characters
A) Heidi = main character - the girl getting chased
Stalker = TBC
Liberty = friend of Heidi
Joe / Jamie = passers-by
5) Intertextuality - will you reference any films
6) Titles and how will your credits appear
A) After asking our class which film title was most appropriate they thought that The Prowler was the best. The credits will appear as Heidi is running. The scene then turns into slow motion whilst the credits come up. they will be in a big bold font and then dissolve out.
7) Music / Shots
A) When the scene starts there is normal to happy music.
8) Certificate
A) 15
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